ft image 5g blog

You may have noticed some tall masts in your area.

Sure, we know they’re a bit of an eye-sore.

But if you rely heavily on mobile internet, you’ll soon realise you’re actually in luck!

5G is set to change the way the entire world communicates, so here’s our expert deep dive.

First there was 3G – now we’re on another level

It was 10 years ago when 4G networks started taking over from 3G.

Fast forward 7 years to 2019, when 5G was first introduced by mobile networks EE and Vodafone.

5G was designed to be up to 10X faster than 4G.

Using smaller wavelengths and higher frequencies, this means that more users can connect simultaneously – without sacrificing speed.

This means the average mobile user connected to 5G could download nearly an hour of Netflix content in less than 20 milliseconds!

The issue of availability

You might be thinking, if 5G is so great, why aren’t we all connected to it?

There are two main issues preventing this being from being the case.

The issue of availability is still prevalent, with some more rural parts of the UK yet to see any developments.

New areas are becoming eligible every week, and 5G is expected to be available nationwide by 2025.

There’s also the issue of price – seeing as a lot of networks need you to buy their latest model.

This can quickly become off-putting if you compare alone, which is why we’ve made it easy to see every deal in one place.

Which networks offer 5G currently?­

EE, O2, Sky, Three, Vodafone and Tesco Mobile currently boast the most 5G coverage across the UK.

What’s more, major phone makes including Samsung, Apple and Huawei all offer 5G compatible models – and the list is always growing.

Why don’t you check your eligibility for free today?

What about 5G broadband?

5G broadband is already on the way. However, 4G broadband has been popular for years – and it’s not going away any time soon.

With 4G broadband, you essentially use a mobile router, which relies on air waves instead of a wired signal.

If you have strong mobile service where you are (but maybe not the best Wi-Fi options), this could be the solution for you.

Currently, EE, Three, Vodafone and Neatley, an independent supplier we’re proud to support, all offer 4G broadband deals.

If your network already offers 5G and mobile broadband, you’ll get the best of both worlds!

Will 5G replace 4G for good?

As previously mentioned, 5G isn’t predicted to be used across the UK until 2025.

Until then, 4G remains the go-to in a lot of areas.

This doesn’t mean incredible developments aren’t in the works every day. Plans for 5G use include high-tech bus shelters, street/traffic lights and modernised healthcare, just to include a few.

It also has the power to improve energy sustainability across the UK, with large businesses looking to invest.

Ready to upgrade?

Have we caught your attention?

It’s understandable – who wouldn’t want the fastest mobile speeds possible?

Regardless of how you plan on using 5G, we’ll make sure you get the right deal.

Before diving headfirst into plans and providers, you should compare with our friendly experts to ensure you find the right price.


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We’re all feeling the strain of sky rocketing bills right now due to the energy crisis.

Further price rises and supplier uncertainty have been at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Since Liz Truss became the new Prime Minister, the nation has been waiting with bated breath to hear her plans for tackling the energy crisis.

Luckily for us, we haven’t had to wait too long.

What is the energy crisis?

Gas and electricity prices have risen to unprecedented highs this year.

Since 2021, we’ve seen supply issues spiralling across the industry, leading to a record number of suppliers going bust.

The situation has only been made more dire following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, further limiting Russia’s supply of gas to Europe.

Ofcom even urged the new Prime Minister to act “decisively and urgently” in helping UK households tackle the record-high cost of living.

So, on Thursday, 8th September, new PM Liz Truss addressed the nation.

We’ve explained below our breakdown and what to expect in coming weeks.

Major changes for October 2022

“It will curb inflation and boost growth”

Plans have changed – and a price freeze is “guaranteed”.

Instead of an eye-watering 80% increase to the price cap (which would’ve left the average homeowner paying over £3,500 a year), bills have been frozen at £2,500.

This has been introduced as the “Energy Price Guarantee” and it’s set to stay in place for two years.

Our Winter advice

This doesn’t mean every household will face a yearly bill of £2,500 – this is just the cap on what firms can charge customers.

We understand this new price freeze still isn’t welcome news to everyone, but it does mean you can take steps to lower your usage and your bill.

Our advice:

  • Take a meter reading. If possible, arrange for a meter reading to be taken as soon as possible – ideally on September 30th! Doing this before the changes come into effect means you won’t be charged for units you’ve not used
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances. Investing now in upgrades like LED/Smart bulbs, new windows, or even a boiler servicing, will save you in the long run
  • Speak to your energy supplier. If you’re worried about your payments, or think you’re at risk of falling behind, speak to your energy supplier directly
  • Look to reduce your other bills. We’ve got every broadband and mobile deal on the market in one place for you.

We’ve helped countless other bill payers like you save hundreds of pounds per year by switching.

Start comparing for cheaper deals today.