
4 Ways to Improve Remote Working

Our Expert Tips For Remote Working

Over the last few years, remote working has become increasingly prevalent.

Workplaces and digital roles have become more flexible than ever before.

However, to thrive in this environment, it’s crucial to adopt effective strategies and leverage advanced digital tools. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore four essential steps to enhancing remote working, drawing insights from industry experts and research findings.

Step 1: Embrace Digital Enablement

Digital enablement lies at the heart of successful remote working.

By having the right tools and technologies, you can streamline workflows, foster collaboration, and boost productivity.

Cloud applications play a pivotal role in this regard, offering a centralized platform for storing, accessing, and sharing files securely from anywhere, at any time.

Cloud-based productivity suites like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace provide a suite of collaborative tools, including document editing, real-time collaboration, and video conferencing, enabling seamless teamwork regardless of geographical barriers.

These platforms facilitate effective communication and project management, ensuring teams stay connected and aligned on tasks and objectives.

Step 2: Harness the Power of Messaging Apps

In a remote work setting, effective communication is paramount to maintaining cohesion and togetherness among colleagues.

Messaging apps emerge as indispensable tools for facilitating real-time communication, quick decision-making, and spontaneous collaboration.

Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom Chat offer a range of features, including instant messaging, video calls, file sharing, and channel-based communication, enhancing connectivity and reducing reliance on email.

Research indicates that efficient communication through messaging apps fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among remote teams, mitigating feelings of isolation and enhancing overall job satisfaction.

By encouraging open dialogue and transparent communication channels, individuals can cultivate a supportive and cohesive remote work culture conducive to innovation and productivity.

Step 3: Invest in Reliable Connectivity

Robust internet connectivity forms the backbone of remote working, enabling seamless access to cloud applications, video conferencing, and other online resources.

Business-grade broadband solutions offer enhanced reliability, speed, and security compared to consumer-grade internet connections, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity and optimal performance for remote individuals.

Partnering with a reputable business broadband provider ensures high-speed internet access tailored to the specific needs of remote workers.

With dedicated bandwidth, robust security features, and 24/7 technical support, individuals can minimise downtime, maximise productivity, and safeguard sensitive data against cyber threats and disruptions.

Step 4: Cultivate a Culture of Remote Work Wellness

Remote working presents unique challenges, including blurred boundaries between work and personal life, social isolation, and heightened stress levels.

For example, Fingerprint for Success found that 67% of remote workers feel pressure to be available at all times of the day.

To address these issues and promote individual well-being, it’s essential to prioritize remote work wellness initiatives and foster a supportive work environment.

Encouraging regular breaks, establishing clear work hours, and promoting work-life balance are essential components of remote work wellness. Additionally, offering virtual team-building activities, wellness workshops, and mental health resources can help individuals feel valued, connected, and empowered in their remote work journey.

Get Expert Business Advice 

In conclusion, mastering remote work requires a strategic approach encompassing digital enablement, effective communication, reliable connectivity, and individual well-being.

By implementing the four steps outlined above and leveraging insights from our experts, individuals can unlock the full potential of remote working, driving productivity and success in the digital age.

Our business experts are specialists, trained to help business owners decide which tools and services are worth investing in.

We’re proud to compare suppliers offering a range of deals on business broadband, VoIP, leased line, card machines and more.

Explore using our free deal checker, or speak to our experts today.

How to pick the right business broadband deal

Delve Into the World of Business Broadband

How to Choose the Right Business Broadband Deal

In today’s digital world, a reliable business broadband connection is the backbone of any thriving company or brand.

Whether you’re a budding start-up or a seasoned enterprise, the right broadband deal can mean the difference between streamlined operations and frustrating setbacks.

With a myriad of providers and packages vying for your attention, the task of selecting the perfect broadband deal can seem daunting.

But fear not, as we’re here to guide you through the maze and empower you to make an informed choice for your business.

Did you know that according to McKinsey & Company, businesses that invest in high-speed broadband  see an average increase of 25% to their market share.

With the right business broadband deal, you can become limitless!

Understanding the Significance

Before delving into the specifics, let’s underscore the importance of choosing the right business broadband deal. Robust Wi-Fi is not merely a convenience but a fundamental necessity for modern businesses. It facilitates seamless communication, supports data-intensive operations, and enables you to stay agile in a competitive landscape. Conversely, a subpar connection can hamper productivity, disrupt workflows, and impede growth prospects.

Evaluating Providers and Past Reviews

When embarking on your quest for the ideal broadband deal, it’s imperative to assess providers based on their track record and customer feedback. Review platforms and even Google offer invaluable insights into the experiences of past users. This includes shedding light on crucial aspects such as network reliability, customer service responsiveness, and overall satisfaction. By heeding the experiences of others, you can gain a clearer understanding of which providers are best positioned to meet your business needs.

Considering Add-Ons and Extras

While cost is undeniably a key consideration, it’s equally important to evaluate the value proposition offered by different broadband deals. Beyond the basic service, consider the add-ons and extras offered by your supplier. From cybersecurity solutions to bundled packages encompassing business phone and mobile usage, these supplementary features can significantly enhance the utility of your broadband connection. By carefully weighing the benefits of these additional offerings, you can maximise the value derived from your investment.

Leveraging Switch Experts

In navigating the complex landscape of broadband deals, don’t underestimate the value of seeking guidance from our Experts. These professionals have years of industry knowledge to steer you towards options that align with your business objectives and budgetary constraints. By leveraging their insights and recommendations, you can navigate the decision-making process with confidence, knowing that you’re making a well-informed choice tailored to your specific needs.

Find your New Business Broadband Deal

In conclusion, selecting the right broadband deal for your business demands a strategic approach and careful consideration of various factors.

By evaluating providers based on past reviews, considering add-ons and extras, and seeking guidance from Switch Experts, you can chart a course towards enhanced connectivity and productivity.

Remember, investing in a reliable broadband connection isn’t just about fulfilling a basic need—it’s about empowering your business to thrive in a competitive world.

So, take the time to explore your options, weigh the pros and cons, and embark on your journey towards seamless connectivity and success.


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Everything You Need to Know About Leased Lines

­If you’re facing constant operational downtime due to wobbly internet, it might be time to consider upgrading to a leased line.

In today’s tech-driven environment, businesses heavily rely on seamless connectivity.

Without a high speed connection, it becomes difficult to succeed.

Even brief interruptions in connectivity can significantly impact productivity and profitability for both small and large businesses.

Did you know that a total of 149 million working hours are lost every year across the UK as a result of poor broadband.

Just imagine how much this costs in wasted productivity!

What is a Leased Line?

A leased line is not just any ordinary internet connection—it’s your ticket to a world of unrivalled connectivity.

Picture this: a high-capacity, exclusive fibre-optic connection solely dedicated to your business needs, delivering lightning-fast and ultra-reliable internet speeds.

Unlike standard broadband, a leased line isn’t shared with your neighbours or other businesses.

It’s a personalised expressway to the digital realm, ensuring you get 100% of the bandwidth, guaranteeing stability and security for your online operations.

It’s especially beneficial for bandwidth-intensive services like VoIP telephony, Cloud-based apps, and heavy data sharing.

Think of it as a digital lifeline—symmetrical upload and download speeds ensure seamless data flow, even during peak times or bandwidth-heavy tasks.

It’s the ace up your sleeve, allowing your team to work without the frustrating lag or interruptions that hamper productivity.

The Business Benefits of A Leased Line

Simply put, a leased line is the gold standard of connectivity.

Think of each deal as a bespoke solution tailor-made to empower your business.

Below we’ve gone into detail describing each benefit:

1. Reliable Connectivity

Leased lines provide unparalleled reliability, ensuring a stable internet connection. This reliability minimizes downtime, allowing businesses to operate smoothly without interruptions.

2. Symmetrical Speeds

Enjoy symmetrical upload and download speeds – a feature that standard broadband often lacks. Symmetry is particularly key for businesses requiring high-speed uploads.

3. Enhanced Productivity

With robust internet, you can work more efficiently. Tasks that rely heavily on Wi-Fi speed, like video conferencing and accessing Cloud-apps, become seamless.

4. Scalability

Leased lines offer scalability, allowing businesses to easily increase bandwidth as and when they need. As operations expand, having a scalable internet connection ensures smooth growth without disruption.

5. Security and Privacy

Leased lines offer increased security and privacy. Since the line is dedicated solely to your business, it provides a more secure connection, reducing the risk of cyber threats and ensuring sensitive data remains protected.

6. Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Leased line contracts often come with SLAs, guaranteeing uptime and a rapid resolution of issues. As a direct result, you can expect less disruptions and prompt support if any problems arise.

7. Support for Remote Work

With the rise of remote work, a leased line enables seamless connectivity for remote employees. Consequently, this ensures they have access to the same reliable internet as those in the office.

8. Improved Customer Experience

Consistent and reliable internet connectivity translates into better customer service. Businesses can deliver uninterrupted services to clients, enhancing their overall experience.

9. Future-Proofing

Investing in a leased line ensures your business is prepared for future advancements and increased data demands. This makes evolving and growing so much easier.

10. Competitive Advantage

The advantages of a leased line, such as reliability, speed, and scalability, provide businesses with a competitive edge. It enables them to operate efficiently and effectively, positioning them ahead of competitors.

Should I Upgrade From Normal Broadband?

We’ll help you decide if a leased line plan is what your business needs.

However, if what you’ve read has already resonated with you – maybe it’s time to consider an upgrade now!

Every business would benefit from lightning-fast internet, as well as dedicated support in the event of downtime, but you should also consider the following.

Do you prioritise top-level security for sensitive data?

Are you planning an expansion or scale up soon?

Is a consistent connection needed for remote staff or different site locations too?

If you answered yes, we think your business could be revolutionised with a leased line deal.

Unbreakable internet could change the way you work, making it worth every penny.

How to Switch Today

You’re in luck with Switch Experts!

Discovering the perfect leased line deal becomes an effortless journey with the aid of our team.

One of our dedicated agents will speak to you to understand your business’s internet needs.

Following this, we will recommend the best suppliers and helping you make an informed decision.

This could also include looking at additional business services for a bargain price, such as VoIP, mobile and more.

Once you’ve chosen the right plan, let us take the reins! We will guide and coordinate the transition to your selected leased line service.

Embrace this hassle-free switching process by getting started today to find deals from the latest leased line suppliers.

Our website is listed in – Greater Manchester Business Listings

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Fostering an eco-friendly business

With UK businesses being collectively responsible for 18% of the country’s total carbon emissions, it’s understandable why so many brands are rushing to make a positive eco-friendly difference.

Not only will you be playing a significant role in caring for the planet, but there are a lot of benefits to implementing more eco-friendly business practices.

Simple, easy, and incredibly advantageous.

Below, our experts have explained why and how your business should be implementing green measures.

Why should I introduce eco-friendly business practices?

Whether you run a large business or an SME, eco-friendly habits will benefit you in a range of ways.

Companies that choose to invest in energy efficiency measures benefit from cost reductions, improved sustainability/productivity, and an overall better brand reception.

Did you know that 61% of people aged 22-35 would be willing to spend more with an eco-friendly business?

EON also found that 72% of people pay attention to whether or not a business acts in a climate-friendly way.

This might refer to your employees too.

Who wouldn’t be proud to represent an eco-friendly business?

Nurturing an eco friendly business environment

A little goes a long way, and your efforts are appreciated more than you realise.

What’s more, you will see your energy bills drop drastically when you follow our advice below, as you naturally start burning through less electricity.

We recommend taking the following steps to help you build an eco-friendly business environment.

  1. Firstly, Conduct an Energy Audit

Conducting a thorough energy audit will keep you informed and engaged.

This makes it easier to identify areas for improvement from the get-go.

Through your audit, you’re likely to find  more advice and guidance on implementing the behaviour of staff.

An energy audit can save businesses significant amounts of energy, money, and improve efficiency.

  1. Start Small by Repairing and Replacing Small Appliances

Implementing eco-friendly business measures such as LED lighting, insulation, and energy-efficient technologies can save companies thousands of pounds per year in energy costs.

For instance, replacing incandescent bulbs with LED lighting can provide energy savings of up to 70%.

Smart heating, or heating timers, could save you up to 30% per year.

Invest in these appliances once and you’ll quickly make the money back in how much you save on your bills.

  1. Next, Consider More Drastic Changes to Equipment and Energy Sources

This might be a bit more of a long-term overhaul project, but still a critical one.

If your workplace has a lot of computers, machinery or servers constantly plugged in, this will drain energy – but we understand that they can’t be turned off!

Look into energy-efficient computers, monitors, and printers, and consider power saving timer settings.

If you rely on servers, maybe it could also be time to look at moving to the Cloud.

You should also see if your business would be eligible for a solar panel grant.

  1. Go Paperless and Proud!

Paperless offices are much more common than you might think.

Going paperless is not just a trend; it’s a transformative shift that offers numerous benefits for businesses of all sizes.

Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but going paperless also helps you to save on costs and improve efficiency.

By digitizing documents, processes become streamlined, storage space is freed up, and the environmental impact is minimized.

With modern technology and secure cloud storage, making the transition is easier than ever.

  1. Educate Employees

Install signs around your workplace to remind staff to reuse, reduce and recycle.

For example, you could introduce a competition that motivates your employees.

Encouraging staff to turn off lights and equipment before leaving for the day, carpooling to work, and utilizing public transport are all great ways to promote energy efficiency.

Make a significant step in the right direction and start introducing some of our suggested practises today.

In conclusion, nurturing an eco-friendly business is a win-win situation.

Save on your other business bills

We’ve made it easy to save money and time when looking for a new deal on a range of business services.

From broadband to mobile, VoIP to waste management, we can help you score a new deal.

We have a whole team of business experts ready to help you switch and save hundreds on your bills every year.

Get in touch today and start searching new offers on any service you need.

business bb vs home bb ft image blog

Do you need business broadband?

Business broadband is a dynamic solution for professionals who rely on the internet.

The internet has evolved into the foundation of both personal and professional life in today’s interconnected society.

Reliable broadband is necessary for handling critical corporate processes as well as streaming our favourite television shows.

Did you know that as of 2023, there are 28.1 million fixed broadband lines running up and down the UK?

Of course, we’re all familiar with Wi-Fi for our homes.

However, are these plans suitable for business owners?

In this blog, we’ll examine the major distinctions between business broadband and residential broadband and explain how the right deal will completely transform your company.

What makes business broadband different?

Business owners need strong, reliable, and consistent internet speeds.

As a result, broadband deals that are designed for business use come with a guarantee of high-speeds and minimal downtime.

You also receive dedicated customer service should the unexpected happen.

Typically, this means a more expensive cost too – but we’ll explain why it’s worth every penny.

Benefits of business broadband

Here’s why you should invest in a business broadband plan:

Enhanced dependability and Uptime

The major goal of business broadband is to maintain a high level of dependability. Business broadband providers often provide solid Service Level Agreements (SLAs), in contrast to household broadband, which may be more susceptible to speed variations during peak hours. These SLAs provide minimal downtime and fast reaction times. You also receive a powerful router and a static IP address, allowing you to host your own server, website and more.

Symmetrical Upload and Download Speeds.

The symmetry in upload and download speeds is one of the key distinctions between commercial and home broadband. We all love to stream music and films with speed at home, however, symmetrical upload and download rates are essential in a professional situation where data is handled. Ultrafast internet enhances file sharing, cloud-based collaboration, and video conferencing.

Enhanced Security and Data Protection

Businesses have very different security needs than the average household. To protect sensitive data from online dangers and unauthorised access, business broadband services frequently include cutting-edge security measures, such as strong firewalls, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and encryption methods. A secure business internet connection is now essential to protect your precious assets due to the rise in cyberattacks that target businesses.

Flexibility and Scalability

As a company expands, so do its bandwidth needs. The scalability and flexibility of business broadband services enable you to update or modify plans as necessary. Business internet can adapt to your company’s shifting needs, ensuring that you’re always prepared to take on new challenges, whether you’re adding more staff, moving to new locations, or adopting bandwidth-intensive apps.

More Cost Effective Than you Think

If you’re struggling with downtime because of bad Wi-Fi, the cost quickly pays off! Although business broadband is typically more costly, we’re here to help you find an affordable deal.  It’s also important to remember that your business broadband bills may be classed as a business expense.

What else Should I Look for in a Business Broadband Deal?

Just like your home broadband deal which may come bundled with your landline, your business broadband deal can also include a VoIP system.

If you haven’t already transitioned to VoIP over landline, it’s crucial to start considering it! VoIP lets you host seamless conference calls remotely and guarantees clear audio quality with every call.

If you’re running a large business with 100+ employees relying on fast internet, we consider looking into a leased line connection.

This is a dedicated fibre connection that runs directly to your premises.

If I’m Self-Employed, Can I use Home Broadband?

Even if you’re self-employed, or working from home, you should still consider a professional broadband plan.

You get to enjoy all the benefits mentioned above, plus it becomes easier to keep your work and personal internet usage separate.

This is especially true if you live with other people connected to your internet – you don’t want to experience bandwidth hogging when you’re busy with work!

What do Our Business Experts Think?

Although providing internet connectivity is the same objective for both home and business broadband, they are designed to meet different demands.

A home of four Netflix users certainly shouldn’t be on the same plan as an internet-reliant business of 10+ employees!

With its exceptional dependability, symmetrical speeds, specialised support, cutting-edge security, and scalability, business broadband stands out.

By giving your employees the resources they need to succeed in today’s fast-paced environment, investing in a business-grade internet connection is an investment in your future success.

We’re here to help you take advantage of the full potential of business broadband, achieving growth in a world where staying connected is essential.

Find a new Broadband plan Tailored to your Business

Using our free deal checking tool, you can find the latest business broadband deals in your area today.

Our team of experts are on-hand to guide through the entire switch.

We can also help you consider other business solutions to help you thrive.

These include VoIP, mobile, card payment machines and more.

Get started today and optimise your business for less.

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Every business generates some kind of waste

Where would we all be without our bins?

In a state of calamity, that’s for sure!

It’s predicted that businesses across the UK generate a total of 44 million tonnes of waste every year.

With the right disposal system in place, you can ensure that you’re fully compliant with environmental regulations and keep your workplace safe and clean.

As a side note, you could save a lot more money too!

What does waste disposal mean?

Business waste disposal is the process of removing and disposing of waste generated by businesses. This includes materials such as paper, plastics, and hazardous waste.

Proper disposal is essential for environmental responsibility and compliance with regulations.

Waste management companies provide specialized services to collect and dispose of various types of waste.

As a business owner, you likely know that waste disposal is an essential part of your operations – regardless of your company size or industry!

However, not all waste disposal deals are created equal, and shopping around can help you find the best option for your business.

Here’s why you should be taking your businesses waste disposal needs seriously and see if you could be on a better deal.

How have prices changed recently?

Commercial waste disposal costs in the UK have been increasing in recent years.

The cost of landfill tax has been rising annually, which has resulted in higher prices for businesses to dispose of their waste.

Additionally, due to changes in China’s import policies on waste, the UK has seen an increase in demand for domestic waste management services, leading to increased costs.

Some businesses have responded by investing in waste reduction strategies or seeking out more affordable disposal options.

It’s always helpful to see how you can increase recycling practices across your workplace too.

You can always do more for the environment, and it comes with reputational and cost saving benefits.

Quick tips to help your business recycle more:

  • Implement a recycling program: Set up recycling bins in common areas and provide clear instructions on what can and cannot be recycled. Make it easy for employees to recycle by placing bins in convenient locations
  • Conduct a waste audit: Conduct an assessment of the waste generated by your business to identify areas where you can reduce and recycle more
  • Use recycled products: Use recycled paper products, such as paper towels, napkins, and printer paper
  • Reduce packaging waste: Encourage suppliers to use minimal packaging and consider purchasing products in bulk to reduce packaging waste
  • Donate or reuse materials: Donate items that are still in good condition to charities or reuse them in-house. This can include furniture, electronics, and office supplies
  • Provide employee education and incentives: Educate employees on the importance of recycling and provide incentives for those who consistently recycle and reduce waste.

By implementing these simple steps, businesses can increase their recycling efforts and contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment.

Why you should switch waste collectors

Our experts have explained the top benefits of shopping around for waste disposal deals.

By shop around, we simply mean not just sticking with the first deal you find.

When you use our service, you don’t have to shop around – we do it for you!

The main reasons why our business customers switch plans:

  • Cost savings. One of the main reasons to switch waste disposal deals is to save money. Different waste management companies charge different rates for their services, and by shopping around, you can compare prices and find the best deal for your budget. Moreover, some providers offer discounts for long-term contracts or for businesses that generate a significant amount of waste.
  • Customized service. Ever felt like your bins aren’t emptied enough? We can find you an arrangement that is tailored to your specific business needs. For example, if your business generates hazardous waste, you’ll need a provider that specializes in handling these materials. Likewise, if your company generates a lot of organic waste, you may benefit from a composting service. By finding a provider that can meet your unique needs, you can ensure that your waste is disposed of responsibly.
  • Environmental responsibility. Ethical environmental practices are becoming increasingly important for businesses, as consumers and stakeholders demand sustainable practices. By comparing waste disposal partners, you can find a brand that prioritizes sustainability and offers eco-friendly solutions. For example, do you currently recycle enough or could you have more bins?
  • Compliance with regulations. Proper waste disposal is not only essential for environmental responsibility, but also for ensuring your compliance with regulations. Depending on the type of waste your business generates, you may be subject to laws that dictate how you must handle, store, and transport your waste. By finding a reputable waste disposal provider, you can ensure that your business complies with all applicable regulations, avoiding costly fines and legal issues.
  • Reputation and customer service. Finally, shopping around ensures that YOU receive the best service too. With our help, you can rest assured that you’ve picked a disposal company with a stellar reputation and reliable customer service. Good customer service can make a significant difference to your waste disposal experience, giving you flexibility and peace of mind that your bins will always be emptied on time, and issues are promptly resolved.

In conclusion, if you want to find a cheap, customised, and fully compliant waste disposal service, you should do your research beforehand.

Or, like we previously mentioned, let us do it for you!

What makes a good bin & waste disposal partner?

The top three qualities our business customers look for in their waste management partner are:

  • Outstanding environmental practices
  • A tailored, reliable and regular service
  • Fixed, low monthly prices.

With over 40 waste disposal suppliers to pick from across the UK, we understand it can quickly become overwhelming.

There’s no need to fret when our experts can find a deal for you!

We look at plans from leading commercial waste management providers nationwide and tailor deals to your exact needs/ bin preferences.

Ready to find your new waste disposal partner?

By letting us help you find the right provider, you can streamline your waste management operations and focus on growing your business.

If you’re still a fairly new brand, it’s definitely in your best interests to compare with expert help.

There are regulations to meet and daily requirements you want to get right – plus it’s entirely free to discuss with our team!

Start searching waste disposal deals in a click today.

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VoIP is the future of the telephone

You’ll likely have heard all about the national landline switch off by now.

Don’t get left behind – you’ve only got two years to prepare!

With the right VoIP solution, you can revolutionise and streamline the way you work.

Is VoIP right for my business?

Regardless of your industry, you’ll find that there’s a lot of ways in which the right VoIP system supports your productivity.

As with all business suppliers, it’s important that you compare before you buy – especially if you’re new to VoIP.

Noisy office environment? Make high quality conference calls to remote staff.

Want to re-route customer calls? Create a seamless self-service phone option. We’ve got deals from every VoIP supplier in one place, so you can find a new deal with ease. Speak to our experts for professional advice today.

Small business? VoIP could be an asset to you too

Don’t overlook VoIP – it’s not just for big teams or large businesses!

In fact, recent research finds that more than one-third of all businesses now use a VoIP phone system.

The vast majority of those being businesses have less than 50 employees, proving you don’t need to be a large brand to access the best tech.

What is VoIP and how does it work?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is internet-based phone system.

Instead of transmitting voice conversations over copper phone lines, you make calls through the internet.

Although it might sound technical, it’s simpler than you realise – and not too dissimilar to Skype.

If you have internet, you’re already halfway there!

Not only will VoIP replace your traditional business landline, but you can also make calls from your laptop, mobile or other smart devices.

All of this happens instantaneously.

Benefits of VoIP

There are several reasons why more businesses are switching to VoIP phone systems, which don’t necessarily revolve around cost.

Call quality

VoIP calls don’t use a lot of bandwidth, which means you get to enjoy clear and crisp audio quality. As long as you have stable internet, your calls will be higher quality than landline.

Simple installation

In addition to better sound quality, the cloud is also making VoIP a more viable option for small businesses.

Rather than having to install special equipment or wiring, companies can simply choose a cloud-hosted VoIP phone solution. This means you don’t need to buy any more equipment or employ IT staff to maintain it.

Ease of use

VoIP systems are very user-friendly. You also get a dedicated level of customer service from your supplier, in the rare event of any downtime.


Depending on your needs, you can scale up or down with ease.

This is especially true if you choose a cloud-based solution, which is easy to tailor and grows with your business. Say you hire new employees and need more phone lines – it can easily be arranged with your supplier!

Remote connectivity

One of the biggest advantages of VoIP is that it allows you to collaborate seamlessly with remote staff. Your team can take their business phone line anywhere they go, meaning higher rates of productivity.

You can also stay in close contact with your customers on the go by having business calls re-routed to your personal mobile.

Cost benefits

Cost is another reason businesses are making the switch from landline.

VoIP technology can also be relatively low cost, making it ideal for small businesses – but you still need to research before you commit!

Most VoIP providers charge a monthly fee per-user, making it a lot cheaper to maintain than old-school landline systems.


VoIP plans are highly customisable. It’s crucial you compare and research beforehand to make sure you pick a deal with the right features for your business.

These include conference calls, call logging and routing, customer insight, call recording, a virtual receptionist and many more.

You can even integrate VoIP systems with other business services, like email.

We can also find you a solution to disguise your personal mobile number for professional use – so you can still work on the go.

Ready to find a VoIP deal?

We’ve got every VoIP plan from every supplier in one place.

The package you choose will significantly impact price, features and installation – all of which we can help you consider.

Compare VoIP suppliers for free.

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Is it time to go cashless?

As a small business owner, one way to engage more customers is by having a range of cashless ways to pay.

The slight drawback is card payment fees you then accumulate.

We’ve explained below everything you need to know about making your business cashless, including what sort of charges to expect.

What do I get charged per transaction?

With each card payment, you can expect to pay 1.5 – 3.5% of the sale. This depends on what type of card your customer uses, or whether they use a card at all (mobile payments).

Credit cards tend to cost more than debit cards – and cardless payments cost even more.

On top of this, transaction fees will be around 1-3% of each sale.

There are also authorisation fees, which take between 1 – 3p per sale.

Amex transaction fees can be up to a whopping 4% – which makes it understandable why a lot of small business owners refuse them.

Finally, merchant service charges can be around 0.25% to 0.35%.

These are just the fees associated with each sale – there’s still a few more prices you face!

Extra charges to know about

Card machines cost around £30 – £80 upfront and the set up should be just under £100.

On a monthly basis, you will pay up to around £30 a month for service fees and merchant account fees (however, these monthly fees depend on your provider and also the total money made from transactions).

Last but most certainly not least is the PCI compliance fee, which will never be more than £5 a month – but you must never go without unless your supplier pre-pays.

Can I save or cut back?

The provider you’re with has a huge impact on price, so you’ll need to compare and find the best for your business. Examples of providers to choose from include WorldPay, Zettle, Square, PayPal and Barclaycard Anywhere.

Comparison really is crucial, given how wildly prices can vary. You’ll find that a lot of providers offer special discounts for small businesses.

It’s also important you investigate hidden fees, like chargebacks and refunds (which can cost up to a £1 a go!).

Is it worth the fees?

Having a cashless payment option is absolutely essential.

Mobile and contactless payments are only on the rise, so you want to appeal to every audience.

A staggering 57% of all payments made last year across the UK were on cards, and 32% were contactless.

Making your business a cashless site also has a lot of safety and efficiency benefits.

Ready to save more money?

We search deals with leading business suppliers across the UK.

Ranging from broadband and VoIP, to water and one-bill solutions, we can help you save money on various monthly costs.

Speak to our experts today or start searching for yourself.

Business Water Bills

Our Rundown of Business Water Bills

The cost of business water can quickly add up when you’re misinformed.

However, all businesses need running water.

In fact, research from Energy Costcutters shows that 67% of businesses across the UK and Scotland have been overcharged on their business water bills.

Here’s what you need to know.

It’s key to note that your business water bill varies depending on your area and your local utility company charges.

Consequently, there are over 20 different licensed water suppliers for UK businesses, but their charges are regulated and fortunately, predictable.

So how does it all work?

In simple terms, your bill is split up by the water coming and coming out of your business premises.

These are known as Water charges, and Wastewater charges.

Water charges

This cost relates to the supply of fresh water coming into your business premises and depends on how much water you and your team use.

Wastewater charges

These charges are for the removal of used water going out of your business premises into the local sewer system.

Being connected to the sewer system means that these charges apply to you.

Do you have a water meter?

You should submit your meter reading at least once a year (if not more), to avoid being charged for an estimated consumption.

Your bill will be an ‘estimated’, ‘read’ or ‘actual’ consumption.

The two charges your bill will be made up of are:

  • A fixed charge. Based on the type of water meter you have, and this covers both the readings and water meter maintenance.
  • A variable charge. Based on your overall business water usage.

No meter?

In this case, you’ll be paying a fixed price.

You’ll also be paying a charge relatable to the valuable of your business premises.

A lot of our customers find using a water meter offers more accurate and better-priced bills.

If you’re a small business, you’ll likely find that your water bill is similar to that of a household.

Large business owners should look for an alternative tariff better suited to high demand.

Our advice on reducing your business water bill

  1. Encourage all staff to get on board with saving water. Run fun competitions, ask for creative tips and urge staff to report any leaks
  2. Invest in efficiency. Geysers and water-efficient taps (or automatic taps) are worth buying to help you save in the long run. Dual-flush toilets are also a valuable investment.
  3. Leave notes around the office. Dishwasher in the breakroom? Leave a sign instructing staff to only turn it on when it’s full
  4. Get a water meter installed.

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