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Fostering an eco-friendly business

With UK businesses being collectively responsible for 18% of the country’s total carbon emissions, it’s understandable why so many brands are rushing to make a positive eco-friendly difference.

Not only will you be playing a significant role in caring for the planet, but there are a lot of benefits to implementing more eco-friendly business practices.

Simple, easy, and incredibly advantageous.

Below, our experts have explained why and how your business should be implementing green measures.

Why should I introduce eco-friendly business practices?

Whether you run a large business or an SME, eco-friendly habits will benefit you in a range of ways.

Companies that choose to invest in energy efficiency measures benefit from cost reductions, improved sustainability/productivity, and an overall better brand reception.

Did you know that 61% of people aged 22-35 would be willing to spend more with an eco-friendly business?

EON also found that 72% of people pay attention to whether or not a business acts in a climate-friendly way.

This might refer to your employees too.

Who wouldn’t be proud to represent an eco-friendly business?

Nurturing an eco friendly business environment

A little goes a long way, and your efforts are appreciated more than you realise.

What’s more, you will see your energy bills drop drastically when you follow our advice below, as you naturally start burning through less electricity.

We recommend taking the following steps to help you build an eco-friendly business environment.

  1. Firstly, Conduct an Energy Audit

Conducting a thorough energy audit will keep you informed and engaged.

This makes it easier to identify areas for improvement from the get-go.

Through your audit, you’re likely to find  more advice and guidance on implementing the behaviour of staff.

An energy audit can save businesses significant amounts of energy, money, and improve efficiency.

  1. Start Small by Repairing and Replacing Small Appliances

Implementing eco-friendly business measures such as LED lighting, insulation, and energy-efficient technologies can save companies thousands of pounds per year in energy costs.

For instance, replacing incandescent bulbs with LED lighting can provide energy savings of up to 70%.

Smart heating, or heating timers, could save you up to 30% per year.

Invest in these appliances once and you’ll quickly make the money back in how much you save on your bills.

  1. Next, Consider More Drastic Changes to Equipment and Energy Sources

This might be a bit more of a long-term overhaul project, but still a critical one.

If your workplace has a lot of computers, machinery or servers constantly plugged in, this will drain energy – but we understand that they can’t be turned off!

Look into energy-efficient computers, monitors, and printers, and consider power saving timer settings.

If you rely on servers, maybe it could also be time to look at moving to the Cloud.

You should also see if your business would be eligible for a solar panel grant.

  1. Go Paperless and Proud!

Paperless offices are much more common than you might think.

Going paperless is not just a trend; it’s a transformative shift that offers numerous benefits for businesses of all sizes.

Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but going paperless also helps you to save on costs and improve efficiency.

By digitizing documents, processes become streamlined, storage space is freed up, and the environmental impact is minimized.

With modern technology and secure cloud storage, making the transition is easier than ever.

  1. Educate Employees

Install signs around your workplace to remind staff to reuse, reduce and recycle.

For example, you could introduce a competition that motivates your employees.

Encouraging staff to turn off lights and equipment before leaving for the day, carpooling to work, and utilizing public transport are all great ways to promote energy efficiency.

Make a significant step in the right direction and start introducing some of our suggested practises today.

In conclusion, nurturing an eco-friendly business is a win-win situation.

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