Fibre VS ADSL Broadband

Fibre VS ADSL Broadband

Which deal is right for your household – fibre or ADSL broadband?

The world of Internet connectivity is ever developing since lockdown, with many still opting to work from home.

One key question we should all consider is the choice between Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL broadband) and Fibre broadband; considering various aspects of performance, cost, and environmental impact.

What is ADSL Broadband?

ADSL relies on landline phone connections and has long been the go-to broadband option for households globally.

According to a 2022 Ofcom report, the average download speed for ADSL broadband stands at 12.6Mbps, a figure that can vary based on geographical location, with rural and urban disparities coming into play.

While ADSL holds its ground with advantages such as widespread availability and easy installation, it is not immune to challenges. One notable drawback is the potential for congestion on phone lines during peak hours.

As multiple users share the same line, it can lead to a reduction in broadband speeds, making it less than ideal for households with high data demands during busy periods – i.e. working from home or streaming Netflix after a long day.

What is Fibre Broadband?

Fibre broadband, a technological leap that has gained momentum as phone lines become less essential in the era of mobile phones.

Fibre offers a range of benefits that address the limitations of ADSL. Its significantly faster internet speeds provide a remedy to congestion issues faced by ADSL users.

Moreover, Fibre’s use of silicon dioxide in optic cables makes it a more sustainable and environmentally friendly solution compared to the copper wires used in ADSL.

How are the Two Types of Broadband Different?

Essentially both options do the same thing with the main difference being in the technology underpinnings. ADSL relies on copper wires, a technology that has been in use for decades.

In contrast, Fibre broadband utilises fibre optic cables, either from street cabinets or directly to homes, ushering in a new era of connectivity that promises faster and more reliable internet.

Fibre VS ADSL – Which One Do I Need?

The burning question on many minds is, “Which option is more cost-effective?”

While the initial costs of Fibre broadband, including installation, might seem higher, the long-term benefits make it a more economical choice. The faster and more reliable connection supports multiple devices seamlessly, ensuring uninterrupted broadband speed.

If a loss of internet would have a negative effect on your day-to-day or cause major interruptions to remote working/ smart home security settings, then we believe that fibre is worth every penny – even if just for peace of mind!

Additionally, choosing Fibre contributes to a greener energy output, aligning with the growing trend towards environmentally conscious choices.

Our Expert Broadband Opinion

Fibre broadband has emerged as the gold standard in internet connectivity, offering significant advantages over traditional ADSL technology. Here’s why we believe fibre broadband is the superior choice:

  • Blazing Fast Speeds: Fibre broadband delivers unparalleled speed and reliability, offering lightning-fast download and upload speeds compared to ADSL. With fibre-optic cables capable of carrying vast amounts of data at incredible speeds, users can enjoy seamless streaming, gaming, and downloading without buffering or lag.
  • Consistent Performance: Unlike ADSL broadband, which relies on copper telephone wires and is susceptible to signal degradation over long distances, fibre broadband provides consistent performance regardless of your proximity to the exchange. This means users can experience reliable connectivity and consistent speeds, even during peak usage times.
  • Future-Proof Technology: As technology continues to evolve, fibre broadband represents a future-proof investment in connectivity. With the capacity to support emerging technologies like 4K streaming, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things (IoT), fibre broadband ensures that users remain at the forefront of digital innovation.
  • Symmetrical Upload and Download Speeds: One of the key advantages of fibre broadband is its symmetrical upload and download speeds. Unlike ADSL, which typically offers slower upload speeds, fibre broadband provides equal bandwidth for both uploading and downloading data, making it ideal for activities like video conferencing, cloud storage, and online collaboration.
  • Enhanced Reliability: Fibre-optic cables are less susceptible to interference from external factors like electromagnetic interference and inclement weather, resulting in enhanced reliability and uptime compared to ADSL. This increased resilience ensures that users can stay connected when they need it most, without interruptions or dropouts.

Keen to receive tailored broadband advice from our experts today?

Learn more and get in touch.

Find the Right Broadband Deal Today

While ADSL broadband remains a reliable and cost-effective option for many, Fibre broadband emerges as a forward-looking, high-performance solution that aligns with the increasing demands of modern connectivity.

In conclusion, the tussle between ADSL and Fibre broadband is not merely a battle of speed but a comprehensive evaluation of factors such as reliability, environmental impact, and long-term cost-effectiveness. As technology advances and becomes more integral to our daily lives, the shift towards Fibre broadband seems not only logical but also essential.

Embrace future-ready internet infrastructure that meets the demands of a digitally connected world.

What’s more, with our free deal finder tool and unbiased expert advice, it’s easier than ever to find an affordable fibre deal.

Broadband Cancellation Explained

How to Cancel Your Broadband

Broadband cancellation can seem daunting.

However, when you’re informed, you’ll soon realise that there’s nothing to fear!

Gone are the days of intense over-the-phone haggling, chasing emails, or sifting through contracts.

Our experts know just how seamless the broadband cancellation process can be.

In this detailed guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps and considerations to make.

Are You at the End of Your Contract?

If you’re approaching the end of your broadband contract, you’re in the perfect position! Several weeks before your end-date, you will be notified by your supplier, who will let you know what your options are for next steps (this will either be through email or phone calls.)

Your supplier may offer you alternative deals on the same network – especially if they value loyalty! However, if you’ve got your eye on a competitor, stay resilient to their offers, and insist on broadband cancellation.

Whether you pick a new deal with the same supplier, or switch brands entirely, it’s crucial that you don’t stay put! Letting your deal auto-renew could cost you anywhere up to between 9% – 60% more per year.

Are You Mid-Contract?

Mid-contract broadband cancellations are known to be a bit trickier – and regrettably more costly!

Your first step is to review all your contract terms in detail. Take note of the contract length, cancellation fees, and notice period required by your provider. You should also carefully consider other obligations, such as your notice period and cancellation fees.

Unfortunately, it’s more common than not that you will face early exit fees. However, you can ensure that these costs are as low as possible by promptly returning any equipment (such as a router) to your supplier. Follow any instructions listed in your contract and this will help you to avoid extra charges.

Once you’re armed with this information, contact your supplier, and clearly express your intention to cancel.

It’s also crucial that you document the entire broadband cancellation process, including any emails/written requests and reference numbers. This documentation is highly valuable, should any discrepancies occur.

Is it Possible to Cancel Mid-Contract Without Fees?

Escaping a broadband contract without facing fees can be tricky, but it’s not impossible.

Here are a few examples of scenarios in which your broadband cancellation would be free:

  • Negotiate your way out: If you’re dissatisfied with your current package, try haggling with your provider. They may offer you a better deal or increased speeds to keep you. Check out our Broadband Haggling Guide for expert tips on slashing your bills.


  • Changes in terms: If your provider alters the terms of your contract, like significant price hikes, you might have grounds to leave without penalties. While annual price increases are common, significant changes beyond what’s stated in your agreement could give you an out.


  • Service faults: If your provider fails to deliver the promised minimum speeds, you have rights under Ofcom’s Code of Practice. Log a fault with your provider, and if they can’t resolve it within a reasonable timeframe, typically 30 days, you can exit the contract penalty-free.


  • Cooling-off period: Don’t forget about the cooling-off period! If you’re still within the first 14 days of your contract, you can cancel for any reason without facing penalties.

Our expert advisors can speak to you in-depth to help you understand your specific situation and your rights.

Ready to Switch and Save Today?

Broadband cancellation requires careful planning if you want to avoid extra fees or hassle.

Timing and contractual terms are everything. Whatever your situation, our experts are dedicated to helping advise and guide you every step of the way.

Stuck in a subpar contract? We can speak to your supplier and see if you’re entitled to leave.

If your exit fees are too high, we can help you make a switching plan for the near future.

Ready to switch today?

Don’t wait any longer – start browsing the latest offers here and see how much you could save.

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Ready to Part With Your Landline?

In recent years, the traditional landline phone, once a household staple, has faced a steady decline in usage across the UK.

The average household now uses their landline phone for as little as 35 minutes per week. This has dropped considerably in the last two years – by almost a quarter!

With the emergence of advanced technology and the rapid expansion of broadband networks, the era of landline phones is approaching its twilight. However, this isn’t a change to be feared – it’s one for us all to embrace.

A Lightning-Fast Future is Coming

The UK’s major broadband providers have set their sights on a transformative journey, signalling substantial changes post-2025 that could shape the future of telecommunications for good.

The narrative of landline phones losing their prominence in UK households has been gradually unfolding. We’ve all slowly become more mobile-focused, especially in the last 10 years.

There are now as many as 111.8 million mobile phone subscriptions across the UK. No one needs to stay tethered to their landline cord or get wrapped up in knots trying to pace the room when we have the flexibility of mobile phones.

Why Has Landline Phone Use Declined?

Aside from the rise in mobile, what else has knocked landline phones off the top spot?

  • Technological advancements: High-speed internet and the availability of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services have become much more enhanced and widely available.
  • Demographic shifts: Younger generations tend to rely more on mobile and internet-based communication, which goes hand in hand with our previous point mentioned above.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Landline phone services are often perceived as less cost-effective compared to bundled mobile or internet packages, especially nowadays.

Post-2025 Plans for Landline Phones

All major UK broadband providers are preparing for a significant shift in their offerings post-2025.

As part of a forward-looking strategy, these providers have already made some transformative plans.

The plans include:

Phasing Out Traditional Landline Services

Broadband giants are gradually phasing-out conventional phone services. One way that they are doing this is by subtly encouraging customers to switch from ADSL to full fibre.

Enhanced VoIP Integration

Providers are poised to bolster their VoIP offerings, elevating them to primary communication solutions for households and businesses. This strategic shift aims to deliver feature-rich, reliable, and cost-effective voice services over broadband connections.

Investment in Broadband Infrastructure

Anticipating the increased demand for robust broadband connectivity, providers are working hard to expand and enhance broadband infrastructure. This includes bringing full fibre connections to as much of the UK as possible and improving VoIP capabilities.

Will I Lose Access to my Landline Phone?

Despite the race to implement speedy VoIP technology officially being on, it won’t suddenly cut off your landline access – but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen eventually!

Say if for example, you took out a new broadband deal today, by the time you come to switch or renew, your landline phone will likely be redundant.

Any further broadband deals after this time will no longer be bundled with a landline phone and internet speeds needed for VoIP will ne promptly considered.

Are There Any Downfalls to Know About?

Recently, concerns were raised by MPs about how effective the nationwide transition to VoIP will be.

Vulnerable bill payers that still rely on their landline phone will face the biggest loss, especially during bouts of extreme weather.

This is because internet connections can be affected by extreme weather, whereas in comparison, landlines are unfaltering.

Embracing the Landline Switch-Off

The impending ‘big switch off’ will significantly change the way consumers and businesses communicate.

In our opinion, it’s for the better, too!

We’ve outlined the main benefits of switching to VoIP below:

Cost Savings

VoIP call charges are significantly lower, especially for long-distance communication. To put it into perspective, landline calls can cost up to 20p per minute, whereas VoIP calls only cost 1.5p per minute.

Flexibility and Mobility

VoIP enables flexibility as calls can be made from any internet-connected device, allowing users to stay connected even while on the go. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for remote workers.

Advanced Features

VoIP systems often come with a range of advanced features such as voicemail-to-email transcription, call forwarding, conference calling and many more.


One for business owners – the scalability of VoIP! Businesses are able to add or remove lines as needed without requiring significant infrastructure changes, making it adaptable and flexible.

Integration with Technology

VoIP integrates seamlessly with other technologies and software, enabling easier collaboration through video conferencing, instant messaging, and file sharing.

Enhanced Accessibility

VoIP systems can offer accessibility features which cater to diverse user needs, including options for individuals with disabilities.

Geographical Flexibility: Another one for the business owners! With VoIP, businesses can have phone numbers from different area codes, providing a local presence in multiple regions without physical office locations or hefty calling charges.

Say Goodbye to Landline and Switch to VoIP

The shift away from landline phones signifies a transformative moment in the UK’s communication landscape.

The time has come to bid farewell to the landline phone and embrace a future where robust broadband connections pave the way for an interconnected world.

Switch Experts is committed to keeping you informed about the evolving trends in communication and technology. Stay connected for more updates and insights.

You can also get a head start by searching for the best prices on the latest broadband deals in your area.

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Everything You Need to Know About Leased Lines

­If you’re facing constant operational downtime due to wobbly internet, it might be time to consider upgrading to a leased line.

In today’s tech-driven environment, businesses heavily rely on seamless connectivity.

Without a high speed connection, it becomes difficult to succeed.

Even brief interruptions in connectivity can significantly impact productivity and profitability for both small and large businesses.

Did you know that a total of 149 million working hours are lost every year across the UK as a result of poor broadband.

Just imagine how much this costs in wasted productivity!

What is a Leased Line?

A leased line is not just any ordinary internet connection—it’s your ticket to a world of unrivalled connectivity.

Picture this: a high-capacity, exclusive fibre-optic connection solely dedicated to your business needs, delivering lightning-fast and ultra-reliable internet speeds.

Unlike standard broadband, a leased line isn’t shared with your neighbours or other businesses.

It’s a personalised expressway to the digital realm, ensuring you get 100% of the bandwidth, guaranteeing stability and security for your online operations.

It’s especially beneficial for bandwidth-intensive services like VoIP telephony, Cloud-based apps, and heavy data sharing.

Think of it as a digital lifeline—symmetrical upload and download speeds ensure seamless data flow, even during peak times or bandwidth-heavy tasks.

It’s the ace up your sleeve, allowing your team to work without the frustrating lag or interruptions that hamper productivity.

The Business Benefits of A Leased Line

Simply put, a leased line is the gold standard of connectivity.

Think of each deal as a bespoke solution tailor-made to empower your business.

Below we’ve gone into detail describing each benefit:

1. Reliable Connectivity

Leased lines provide unparalleled reliability, ensuring a stable internet connection. This reliability minimizes downtime, allowing businesses to operate smoothly without interruptions.

2. Symmetrical Speeds

Enjoy symmetrical upload and download speeds – a feature that standard broadband often lacks. Symmetry is particularly key for businesses requiring high-speed uploads.

3. Enhanced Productivity

With robust internet, you can work more efficiently. Tasks that rely heavily on Wi-Fi speed, like video conferencing and accessing Cloud-apps, become seamless.

4. Scalability

Leased lines offer scalability, allowing businesses to easily increase bandwidth as and when they need. As operations expand, having a scalable internet connection ensures smooth growth without disruption.

5. Security and Privacy

Leased lines offer increased security and privacy. Since the line is dedicated solely to your business, it provides a more secure connection, reducing the risk of cyber threats and ensuring sensitive data remains protected.

6. Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Leased line contracts often come with SLAs, guaranteeing uptime and a rapid resolution of issues. As a direct result, you can expect less disruptions and prompt support if any problems arise.

7. Support for Remote Work

With the rise of remote work, a leased line enables seamless connectivity for remote employees. Consequently, this ensures they have access to the same reliable internet as those in the office.

8. Improved Customer Experience

Consistent and reliable internet connectivity translates into better customer service. Businesses can deliver uninterrupted services to clients, enhancing their overall experience.

9. Future-Proofing

Investing in a leased line ensures your business is prepared for future advancements and increased data demands. This makes evolving and growing so much easier.

10. Competitive Advantage

The advantages of a leased line, such as reliability, speed, and scalability, provide businesses with a competitive edge. It enables them to operate efficiently and effectively, positioning them ahead of competitors.

Should I Upgrade From Normal Broadband?

We’ll help you decide if a leased line plan is what your business needs.

However, if what you’ve read has already resonated with you – maybe it’s time to consider an upgrade now!

Every business would benefit from lightning-fast internet, as well as dedicated support in the event of downtime, but you should also consider the following.

Do you prioritise top-level security for sensitive data?

Are you planning an expansion or scale up soon?

Is a consistent connection needed for remote staff or different site locations too?

If you answered yes, we think your business could be revolutionised with a leased line deal.

Unbreakable internet could change the way you work, making it worth every penny.

How to Switch Today

You’re in luck with Switch Experts!

Discovering the perfect leased line deal becomes an effortless journey with the aid of our team.

One of our dedicated agents will speak to you to understand your business’s internet needs.

Following this, we will recommend the best suppliers and helping you make an informed decision.

This could also include looking at additional business services for a bargain price, such as VoIP, mobile and more.

Once you’ve chosen the right plan, let us take the reins! We will guide and coordinate the transition to your selected leased line service.

Embrace this hassle-free switching process by getting started today to find deals from the latest leased line suppliers.

Our website is listed in – Greater Manchester Business Listings

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Fostering an eco-friendly business

With UK businesses being collectively responsible for 18% of the country’s total carbon emissions, it’s understandable why so many brands are rushing to make a positive eco-friendly difference.

Not only will you be playing a significant role in caring for the planet, but there are a lot of benefits to implementing more eco-friendly business practices.

Simple, easy, and incredibly advantageous.

Below, our experts have explained why and how your business should be implementing green measures.

Why should I introduce eco-friendly business practices?

Whether you run a large business or an SME, eco-friendly habits will benefit you in a range of ways.

Companies that choose to invest in energy efficiency measures benefit from cost reductions, improved sustainability/productivity, and an overall better brand reception.

Did you know that 61% of people aged 22-35 would be willing to spend more with an eco-friendly business?

EON also found that 72% of people pay attention to whether or not a business acts in a climate-friendly way.

This might refer to your employees too.

Who wouldn’t be proud to represent an eco-friendly business?

Nurturing an eco friendly business environment

A little goes a long way, and your efforts are appreciated more than you realise.

What’s more, you will see your energy bills drop drastically when you follow our advice below, as you naturally start burning through less electricity.

We recommend taking the following steps to help you build an eco-friendly business environment.

  1. Firstly, Conduct an Energy Audit

Conducting a thorough energy audit will keep you informed and engaged.

This makes it easier to identify areas for improvement from the get-go.

Through your audit, you’re likely to find  more advice and guidance on implementing the behaviour of staff.

An energy audit can save businesses significant amounts of energy, money, and improve efficiency.

  1. Start Small by Repairing and Replacing Small Appliances

Implementing eco-friendly business measures such as LED lighting, insulation, and energy-efficient technologies can save companies thousands of pounds per year in energy costs.

For instance, replacing incandescent bulbs with LED lighting can provide energy savings of up to 70%.

Smart heating, or heating timers, could save you up to 30% per year.

Invest in these appliances once and you’ll quickly make the money back in how much you save on your bills.

  1. Next, Consider More Drastic Changes to Equipment and Energy Sources

This might be a bit more of a long-term overhaul project, but still a critical one.

If your workplace has a lot of computers, machinery or servers constantly plugged in, this will drain energy – but we understand that they can’t be turned off!

Look into energy-efficient computers, monitors, and printers, and consider power saving timer settings.

If you rely on servers, maybe it could also be time to look at moving to the Cloud.

You should also see if your business would be eligible for a solar panel grant.

  1. Go Paperless and Proud!

Paperless offices are much more common than you might think.

Going paperless is not just a trend; it’s a transformative shift that offers numerous benefits for businesses of all sizes.

Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but going paperless also helps you to save on costs and improve efficiency.

By digitizing documents, processes become streamlined, storage space is freed up, and the environmental impact is minimized.

With modern technology and secure cloud storage, making the transition is easier than ever.

  1. Educate Employees

Install signs around your workplace to remind staff to reuse, reduce and recycle.

For example, you could introduce a competition that motivates your employees.

Encouraging staff to turn off lights and equipment before leaving for the day, carpooling to work, and utilizing public transport are all great ways to promote energy efficiency.

Make a significant step in the right direction and start introducing some of our suggested practises today.

In conclusion, nurturing an eco-friendly business is a win-win situation.

Save on your other business bills

We’ve made it easy to save money and time when looking for a new deal on a range of business services.

From broadband to mobile, VoIP to waste management, we can help you score a new deal.

We have a whole team of business experts ready to help you switch and save hundreds on your bills every year.

Get in touch today and start searching new offers on any service you need.

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Tired of paying high prices for internet?

We know how to uncover the cheapest broadband plans in your area

Maybe your contract is due to end and you’re not happy with the new plan your supplier offered you.

Or, perhaps you’re just looking for more lesser-known ways to save money right now (who isn’t?!)

Read on to learn how and where you can find the cheapest broadband deals in your area – without ever sacrificing speed or reliability.

How to find the cheapest broadband deals

We’ve got a few crucial tips that will help you find the cheapest broadband deals in your area.

By following our expert advice, you’ll soon be able to trim down your monthly expenses whilst still enjoying a seamless and well-suited internet connection.

  1. Assess Your Usage.

Understanding your internet usage is crucial in finding a deal that suits you. If you’re a light internet user, you might not need the fastest speeds. A lot of households find that they end up paying for high Wi-Fi speeds that they don’t even require – the average household only needs 30Mbps to function smoothly online.  However, if you’re a heavy gamer, home worker, or frequently stream in 4K, opting for a faster fibre plan would be worth it to save you from a lot of frustration.

        2. Check for Bundles.

Many providers offer bundled services, combining broadband with TV and phone services. While this might seem like a good deal, ensure that you genuinely need these services. Sometimes, standalone broadband deals can be more cost-effective. This is something you can tailor through our free deal checker.

        3. Consider Contract Length.

Providers often offer different contract lengths, typically 12, 18, or 24 months. While longer contracts might come with slightly lower monthly costs, they can lock you into a deal that might become less competitive over time. If you’re not comfortable with a long commitment, shorter contracts might be a better option.

       4. Negotiate with Your Current Provider.

If you’re already with a broadband provider and you’ve found a better deal elsewhere, don’t be afraid to negotiate. Sometimes, providers are willing to match or even beat competitors’ offers to keep you as a customer.

         5. Read Reviews.

Before committing to a new broadband provider, read reviews from current and previous customers. This will give you an idea of the level of customer service, reliability, and overall satisfaction you can expect. This is another factor our experts take into consideration for you, and we only work with reputable and trusted suppliers.

          6. Keep an Eye on Hidden Costs.

It’s key to consider any additional costs such as setup fees, line rental, and installation charges. This is something our experts are trained to spot and they can discuss this in detail with you, because hidden costs can quickly creep in and add up.

         7. Research – Don’t Go In Alone.

The world of broadband is vast, and it can quickly get expensive if you don’t know where to look. Instead of manually comparing quotes and websites alone, we’ve made it easy to search offers in one place.

Where is the Best Place to Find the Cheapest Broadband Deals?

Right here, with our experts!

There are a lot of sites and services that help make it easy to search broadband deals, however, Switch Experts will never charge you a penny.

You’re guaranteed to save time and money this way, instead of manually trawling through separate sites.

It’s also fairly common to be charged more when you go directly to the supplier.

How do I Switch?

At first, the idea of switching broadband suppliers might seem daunting, but the potential savings are well worth it.

Our experts are here to make the process as fast and as easy as possible.

With Switch Experts, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 to find a new deal.

You search and tailor deals available in your area, we confirm the switch over, then you get to enjoy your new plan and your shiny new savings! Our team will also tailor their advice to you personally, looking at your current contract and internet needs.

Get started today and find your new deal in no time.

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Locked in and paying more?

Mid-contract broadband price hikes can leave you scratching your head and clutching your wallet.

Regrettably, they’re becoming more prevalent across internet suppliers.

We’ve got you covered, from the fine print behind price hikes to practical tips to help you dodge them.

Our experts are eager to break down the puzzles around mid-contract broadband pricing rises so that you can stay on top of digital connectivity, whilst keeping control of your budget.

When did Broadband Prices Increase?

You may have noticed that your monthly broadband price has quietly increased since April.

If you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to check your most current bill as soon as you can.

This latest price hike is the result of a significant increase in inflation that began in 2023.

As a result, a sizeable portion of internet subscribers have seen an unexpected increase in their monthly charges of up to 15%—a huge price increase that coincides with an ongoing cost of living crisis.

Even if you’ve agreed to a fixed monthly rate throughout your contract period, price rises are becoming regrettably common nationwide.

According to a recent Which? survey, customers could face an uplift of over £100 per year as a result of recent mid-contract broadband price hikes – and this will affect millions of people.

What are Mid-Contract Broadband Price Hikes?

Mid-contract broadband price rises are the act of increasing your current monthly price, whilst you are still in the middle of your contract.

Typically occurring annually, these adjustments are linked to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate, which is published each January.

This amalgamation often results in an annual price increase of approximately 4-5%, regardless of the initial rate you agreed upon when entering your contract.

Price rises are imposed to help suppliers offset the mounting costs associated with running a business and providing their internet service.

However, the anomaly in 2023 emerged due to an unusually high CPI rate of 10.5% recorded in January.

As a result, the ensuing broadband contract price adjustments for 2023 exceeded the norm and left a lot of us reeling – with some prices rising by a shocking 14.4% this year!

Can I Switch Deals if my Bill Goes up?

You might be thinking “Well, surely I can just switch deals to avoid any mid-contract broadband price hikes?”

It’s unfortunately not always that simple.

This depends on the contract you signed up for with your existing supplier.

When you take out a new broadband deal, you agree to accept the terms and conditions put in place by your supplier.

These days, most T&Cs tend to mention that their prices will increase mid-contract, in line with inflation.

This might be tucked away within the fine print of your contract, or maybe your supplier will be more upfront about it.

Either way, we always recommend re-reading your contract in detail – even if it feels like a chore!

If your contract does not include any mention of accepting mid-contract price rises, you’ll be given a 30-day window to switch deals for free.

If it does mention price rises, you could face an exit fee.

You’ll find information about your exit fees within your T&Cs – as it’s likely to be another condition you’ve already agreed to.

What Are Exit Fees?

Exit fees are charges that you might face for leaving your current broadband deal before your contract period is up.

In some cases, you may have to pay for the remaining months left of your contract, but this varies depending on your supplier.

This is something our experts can investigate in depth for you.

Do any Suppliers Offer a Guaranteed Fixed Price?

Some internet suppliers do guarantee you a fixed ‘price for life’ – you just have to know where to look!

We’ve made it easy to search all the latest broadband deals from a range of suppliers in your area.

If you’re approaching the end of your contract when you find out about a price hike, the time couldn’t be better to switch and save!

One of our trusted suppliers, Neatley, offers every customer a fixed and affordable ‘price for life’ guarantee.

Find out more or get in touch directly on 0330 341 1954 today.

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4G or Fibre?

Don’t be fooled by the name – 4G broadband is very different to your traditional home Wi-Fi!

In some cases, it might be a better option for you.

We’ll explain all the how’s, what’s and why’s you might have.

What is 4G Broadband?

4G broadband is a cutting-edge internet connection.

It’s often used as an effective substitute for regular broadband, and we’ve explained why.

Unlike standard phone-line-based arrangements, 4G broadband frees you from the constraints of wire.


By delivering a smooth internet connection to households over the omnipresent 4G mobile network that spans the majority of the UK.

Why Not Just Use Wi-Fi?

In some areas, internet suppliers have limited infrastructure.

This means that some homes simply can’t access faster broadband because they don’t have fibre optic cables installed in their area.

People living in more rural towns might also find that they have limited choice of suppliers and consequently fewer deals to pick from.

Whilst fibre coverage is expanding every day, lots of people are understandably looking for alternative Wi-Fi solutions.

How do I Access 4G Broadband?

You can connect to 4G broadband in a few ways.

Our experts have covered the main three ways below:

‘Tethering’ – The ‘tethering’ feature on your smartphone effectively turns it into a Wi-Fi hotspot. You will be able to connect a small number of gadgets and devices, but your usage will be limited. You might also notice that your mobile data is quickly eaten up when you do this, so it’s key to review your contract terms.

A Mobile Broadband ‘Dongle’ – A mobile broadband ‘dongle’ is a small gadget with 4G or 5G capability. It connects your devices using Wi-Fi or a USB to give you internet access. Compared to ‘tethering’, you can access more data and at a faster speed with a dongle.

A Dedicated Router – By using a dedicated router, you can connect more devices and handle more traffic than you can with tethering or dongles. Most large mobile networks offer this type of router, as it gives you a strong connection wherever you go.

What are the Benefits of 4G Broadband?

There’s a lot of important benefits to 4G broadband.

Our experts rate the top five perks to be:

  • Reliable Speeds. 4G broadband is faster than the speeds you receive to your mobile phone, as it uses more advanced hardware.  This is what makes it comparable to broadband, rather than mobile data signal.
  • Widely Available. Because 4G is practically everywhere, it is an excellent choice for rural WiFi and other areas lacking cable infrastructure.
  • No Fuss Set-up. Installation is quick and simple, requiring little to no setup.
  • Portable. Certain routers can be transported with you when you travel, allowing them to deliver WiFi in a caravan, for example.
  • Flexible Packages. You are not usually locked in long term with 4G broadband, as flexible packages are more readily available. One of our suppliers even offers a 30-day rolling contract.

Are There any Drawbacks of 4G Broadband?

Despite all the benefits, there are a few factors to consider.

  • Limited Bandwidth and Speed: 4G networks can provide impressive speeds, but they still have limitations in terms of bandwidth compared to newer technologies like 5G. As more users connect to a 4G tower, the available bandwidth is shared, leading to potential slowdowns during peak usage times. This is especially the case in densely populated areas or during crowded events.
  • Signal Interference: 4G signals can be affected by physical obstacles such as buildings and trees. Interference can lead to weaker signals and reduced network coverage, particularly in rural areas.
  • Limited Coverage: We’ve already hinted at this one! While 4G coverage is widespread in many areas, it may not be available in more remote or rural locations. This is something we can help you identify.
  • Data Caps and Throttling: Many 4G broadband plans come with data usage limits and may impose throttling or reduced speeds once those limits are reached. This can be a concern for heavy data users who rely on consistent high-speed connections.
  • Security Concerns: 4G networks, like any wireless technology, can be vulnerable to security breaches. Unauthorized access to the network can pose risks to user privacy and data security.

What About 5G Broadband?

5G works the same as 4G – it’s just considerably faster!

5G broadband is still fairly new and therefore less widely available than 4G, but coverage is growing consistently.

Your supplier will let you know if you’re eligible for 5G, as this depends solely on their network.

It’s also worth noting that 5G is currently more expensive than 4G.

Should I Consider Getting a 4G Broadband Deal?

If you live in a rural area with limited internet availability, it could be a perfect solution for you.

4G and 5G broadband solutions are growing in popularity due to being flexible, fairly priced, and reliable.

However, if your area also struggles with flaky mobile signal, this could affect your service.

This is something our experts can help you decide.

Start searching for the latest deals in your area today and see which plan is best suited to you.

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6 hacks to lower your bills

Managing household bills can be a real challenge, especially when they seem to keep climbing higher each month.

But fear not!

We’ve got your back with six ingenious household bill hacks that will help you save money without sacrificing comfort or convenience.

These simple yet effective strategies will empower you to take control of your expenses and free up some extra cash for the things that truly matter to you.

Let’s dive in and discover how you can make a significant difference in your monthly budget!

Why are household bills soaring in the UK?

Since 2020, prices have been rising nationwide. Although this may have been kickstarted by the pandemic in several ways, the war in Ukraine has also led to soaring inflation.

Staying up to date on market trends is more important than ever and can help you stay prepared for further price rises.

Our weekly shops, insurance, petrol, and energy bills are sky-high, so it’s understandable that you’re looking to cut back where you can.

Our top 5 expert tips for cutting household bills

We asked our experts to explain the top six most effective hacks for reducing your home bills.

Everyone can try at least one of these – so read on for more!

  1. Energy-Efficient Appliances: Cut Costs, Not Comfort

One of the most impactful ways to save on your household bills is by investing in energy-efficient appliances. These modern marvels consume less power while delivering the same level of performance.

From energy-saving LED bulbs to Energy Star-rated refrigerators and showerheads, these appliances will not only lower your electricity bill but also reduce your carbon footprint.

We say that’s a win-win for your wallet and the planet!

  1. Embrace the Power of Smart Thermostats

Heating costs can take a considerable chunk out of your budget.

Enter the era of smart thermostats – the ultimate household bill hack. These intelligent devices learn your preferences, adjust temperatures accordingly, and can be controlled remotely through your smartphone.

By optimizing your home’s climate, you’ll avoid energy waste and save big on your bills.

Plus, some energy providers even offer rebates for installing smart thermostats, giving you an extra incentive to make the switch.

This is also the case for solar panels, depending on whereabouts you live.

It’s worth investigating if you would be eligible for a government grant.

  1. Bundle Up and Save on TV, Internet, and Phone Services

If you’re still paying for TV, internet, and your landline phone separately, it’s time to bundle up and save!

Many providers offer attractive bundle packages that combine these services into one convenient, discounted bill.

Not only will you enjoy the convenience of a single monthly payment, but you’ll also benefit from significant savings compared to individual subscriptions.

As for your mobile, could you consider a SIM-only plan?

If you’re nearing the end of your contract, and you’re happy with the device, you should look into it.

See our blog explaining everything you need to know.

  1. Unplug to Save: Combat Phantom Energy Drain

Did you know that even when your electronic devices are turned off, they still draw power? Our experts call this “phantom energy drain”, and it contributes to unnecessary energy costs.

Combat this sneaky expense by unplugging “vampire” devices when they’re not in use.

You’ll be amazed at how much you can save just by being more mindful of your off switches!

  1. Save on the Splash and Save up Your Cash

We all love a hot bubbly bath from time to time, but showering is much more efficient.

Even by just swapping to showers and having one bath per week, you can save tens of litres per month.

Putting your clothes on a slightly cooler wash of 30 degrees also saves you money every month, without decreasing the effectiveness of your washing powder.

  1. Don’t be Afraid to Switch, Shop Around and Haggle

When it comes to your bills, switching is your secret weapon. Many providers offer low priced and unbeatable introductory periods, or discounts for new customers.

We’re here to find these deals for you. Small changes make a big difference to your bills, and when it comes to broadband, you might be able to save AND upgrade!

In essence, our team will do all the haggling for you and find you a personalised deal within your budget.

Could you be Overpaying on Your Bills?

Switching your broadband or mobile deal could potentially save you hundreds per year. If you haven’t switched plans in a while, there’s a very real chance you could be overpaying.

Many suppliers will automatically enrol you onto a new standard tariff plan once your initial contract ends.

The catch? You’ll likely be paying more per month – and not necessarily for a better service in return.

We’ll find out how much you could be saving in no time, whilst also ensuring that your new contracts are well suited to your home.

Switch and Save Now

We can help you cut back on your expensive contracts. Whether it’s your mobile, or your home broadband, we can find you a personalised deal today.

Get started with a few clicks and you’ll be surprised by the savings!


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5 Myths we Need to Debunk

Switching broadband deals isn’t the burden you think it is.

As technology evolves, so does your need for quality internet.

A lot of us couldn’t bear the thought of going without Wi-Fi for a day – but this doesn’t mean you should be afraid of switching suppliers.

Once the initial contract period ends, many of us find ourselves suddenly paying over the odds for subpar internet.

Fast speeds and lower prices could be a switch away, but there are a few misconceptions putting people off.

Our experts have explained the truth about switching broadband deals.

Why are people staying put with their current broadband deal?

According to a recent Which survey, almost 50% of respondents said they’ve never switched broadband deals.

Many consumers have the same excuses for staying put – but they’re not necessarily true.

Some customers stick with their supplier out of a misguided sense of loyalty or fear the switching process is simply not worth it, for various reasons (and they’re usually inaccurate!).

As a result, we’re seeing thousands of people missing out on potential savings and better broadband every year.

In this blog post, we aim to set the record straight and help empower you to switch your broadband deal today.

What’s more, you’ll discover that switching can be a great way to save on upgrade on other deals too, like your mobile plan.

The top 5 Switching Myths we Hear

Don’t believe the rumours!

We’ve explained the top 5 most common myths below.

Myth 1: Switching is Too Complicated and Time-Consuming

One of the most common myths about switching broadband is that it’s an incredibly complicated and time-consuming process.

We know this isn’t the case.

With the help of Switch Experts, the sign-up process has never been easier.

We take care of the switch from your current provider (if you have one), liaise with your new supplier and keep you updated along every step of the way right up until your activation.

Additionally, many providers offer to handle the cancellation of your current service, making the transition seamless. With the right guidance and support, switching can be completed in a matter of days, ensuring minimal disruption to your connectivity.

Myth 2: Switching Will Result in Downtime and Disruptions

This is another prevalent myth – and we understand why it sounds off-putting! Nowadays, switching your broadband doesn’t cause any major downtime or disruptions. If your new supplier is using the same network (like Openreach), as your existing supplier, you’ll be up and running on your new deal in a day.

This is also the case if you’re switching from a fibre deal to another fibre deal, with no landline phone involved. It’s when you switch from an ADSL deal to fibre (getting rid of your landline) that it can get a bit more complicated.

If a visit from an engineer is required, you’ll be given plenty of notice before arranging a visit – and you’ll still be up and running within two weeks.

Our experts will guide you through this and explore if your new supplier offers a temporary solution to keep you connected throughout the switch, such as mobile broadband.

Myth 3: I Will Lose My Email Address and Contacts

If your email address is associated with your current provider, we know it could seem daunting to switch. Some internet providers will let you keep your existing email address and account, but the majority do not.

This is something our experts can advise you on, however, we do strongly recommend creating a new email account with a free service.

Many of the large email providers, such as Gmail and Outlook, even have advanced technology to seamlessly fetch and import your old emails and addresses into your new account. Whilst you may have to spend a bit of time on email forwarding and editing your accounts and subscriptions, you won’t be tied down again in the future.

Myth 4: Switching Providers is Expensive

We know for a fact this myth isn’t true – and you can likely attest to this!

Many providers offer enticing deals and incentives to attract new customers, including zero installation fees or free equipment.

Do you remember signing up for a new deal because it guaranteed low prices for a set period? Once this period ends, you’ll be auto enrolled to a standard broadband plan and could end up paying more for a service that isn’t worth it.

With the help of our experts, you could save up to nearly £200 per year on your broadband bills – just by switching your deal.

Myth 5: All Providers Offer the Same Service, So There’s No Point in Switching

Every provider offers different plans, speeds, and features tailored to various consumer needs.

If you’ve been on a long term broadband plan, for example 18 months or longer, it’s highly likely that your area has received infrastructure upgrades by now. You could be sitting on an affordable fibre deal instead of being tied to a landline and ADSL bundle!

It’s also important to consider if you’re truly happy with the service you’ve received from your current supplier. We only work with reputable and trusted brands to ensure we can offer the right deals for everyone.

Perhaps you think customer support could have been better, or you’d like to explore different products or add-ons (like a mobile 4G broadband router.) We think it’s essential that the service you receive is worth every penny you pay.

Are There any Downsides to Switching?

We believe the switching process only becomes difficult when you go into the world of broadband deals alone.

Manually trawling through separate sites and getting multiple quotes becomes a confusing chore, when in our opinion, it simply doesn’t have to be.

Our deal checker tool is free, easy, and only shows deals that are tailored to you.

We don’t charge a penny and aim to get you switched, sorted and saving money as soon as possible.

Ready to switch and save?

With Switch Experts, it’s never been easier to save money and time.

In a world where costs are increasing left right and centre, we understand that every penny counts.

If you’ve gone over your contract end date, now is the perfect time to switch and start saving money straight away.

We personalise our deals to your internet needs and explore a range of plans from different internet providers, with no hidden fees whatsoever for using our deal checker.

Get started today and find your new broadband plan.